Friday, June 20, 2008


Well I am back. A year in Europe has shown me the vulnerable and

And I am leaving the Republican party. I have not had some profound ideological re-orientation. The Republicans have stopped eshewing thoughtful, commonsense public policy. I hate broadly sweeping language (which I have just used) that characterizes peoples, movements, ideas, etcetera. Nonetheless, the GOP has simply not governed well. I don't need to enumerate the problems that face the next generation(s) of American but I will.

1) International Instability
- the war in Iraq
- the threats of Iran, North Korea, China
- chilled relations with the Europe and South America.

2) Fiscal Ruin
- national debt
- consumer debt
- mortgage crisis
- illegal immigration

3) The End of Prosperity
- struggle of working class Americans
- crumbling infrustructure
- resurgence of protectionism
- inability to compete
- faltering schools

4) Declining Quality of Life
- climate change and sprawl
- end of volunteerism and community
- traffic gridlock
- obesity epidemic

5) Faltering Values
- decline of traditional values
- materialism
- abortion
- the assault on marriage and family

The problems, as you know, are more numerous than I have listed. I don't have all the awnsers to these problems - I don't think anyone does. American needs leaders that can think thoughtfully, pragmatically and principledly about the state of the nation.